Space Creature: 20 Things E.G Did Not Like

Asteria Calling
1 min readJul 20, 2022

I’ve found this creature from the space, so i need to know what she like and didnt. And here is the list what E.G didnt like, as a reminder for me so i’m not making a stupid things anymore.

1. E.G didnt like my old parfume

2.E.G didnt like when i’m playing a phone while eating

3.E.G didnt like other human (specific human only especially “pick me” girl type)

4.E.G didnt like spicy things

5.E.G didnt like Samrat

6.E.G didnt like Camel Purple

7.E.G didnt like Breakbeat

8.E.G didnt like i’m turn on a radio while driving

9.E.G didnt like Taichan

10. E.G didnt like song “Baby Baby Baby” from JKT48

11.E.G didnt like when i dumbfounded

12.E.G didnt like when i drinking Americano before eating

13.E.G didnt like when i’m too slow to making a decision

14.E.G didnt like my impulsive

15.E.G didnt like when i go without any notice

16.E.G didnt like i’m reading a porn story

17.E.G didnt like Nasi Goreng

18.E.G didnt like traffic

19.E.G didnt like Emo

20.E.G didnt like IQOS

